How do I use the Company Switcher?

This guide will teach you how to use the Company Switcher to quickly swap between your different companies.

The Company Switcher is ideal if you’re a part of multiple organisations that host events as it allows you to switch between companies in two clicks. This saves you from needing to log out of your account and into another.

How do I use the Company Switcher?

Go to your ‘Dashboard’.

2. In the top-right corner, you’ll see your account. If you click on your account a drop-down menu will appear.

3. If you haven’t yet created an extra company, click on ‘Create company’.

4. What you see now is the Create Company screen. Enter your company information accordingly, paying particular attention to ‘Company Name’, ‘Currency’ and ‘Locale’ (Location of the company). 

WEEZTIX TIP: When creating a new company, make sure to fill in your bank details so we can start paying you out your revenue.

Click on ‘Save’

6. Now, if you go to your account in the top-right corner of the screen you’ll see that your new company has been added and is now active. You can also easily switch between your connected companies by clicking on them.

If you would like to know how to add a new user to your account, click here

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