How do I make use of Sealed Tickets?
Sealed tickets give ticket sales back to the visitors and put mass ticket buyers out of business.
Sealed Tickets are tickets that your visitors won't be able to download until shortly before an event starts. A visitor can buy tickets but can't download them yet. The visitor will receive an email as soon as the tickets are ready for download.
For organisers, Sealed Tickets mean that your ticket sales are fairer and that loyal visitors of a recurring event won’t be paying extortionate amounts to resellers and scalpers. You can specify how many hours before the start of the event your ticket buyers can download their tickets, but we always recommend a maximum of 48 hours.
Your ticket buyers can resell their Sealed Tickets before they are unlocked. There are two ways they can do this: TicketSwap and Tixel.
If you receive any questions about this from your visitors, feel free to link them to this page, which contains all the information they'll need to know
Caution! If you use this feature, none of your visitors will be able to download their tickets until they are unlocked before the event.
Let us know if you want to make use of Sealed Tickets
We can discuss what settings you want and when you want them to take effect. You can reach us through our chat, via or our phone number: 085 888 30 07.
Clearly describe the event and the tickets involved. Also, consider how long you want the tickets to be available to download before the start of the event. To prevent black market trade as much as possible, we recommend that you fill in a day (24 hours) here.
So what next?
After completing the form, we’ll receive a notification that you want to use Sealed Tickets and contact you if you have any questions. Of course, we’ll also send you a confirmation once everything has been set up correctly and you can start selling.
You can offer Sealed Tickets for an event that is already on sale. Some visitors will have downloaded their tickets already, whereas others can’t, which can lead to confusion. You want to avoid this, so we don’t recommend using Sealed Tickets for an event with ongoing sales.
If you have any questions or feedback, you can reach out to us through the phone, chat, or