How do I upload a custom ticket image?
Learn how to customise the tickets of your events by adding your personal image.
In the past, we allowed you to design your tickets by creating a custom design in line with our ticket template. However, we wanted to make the process of personalising your tickets easier. We were able to achieve this by simplifying the dimensions of the ticket design to a square.
You can now conveniently upload your own ticket image as a .jpg, .png or .pdf file and use any dimensions. Ideally, your ticket image should be a square with dimensions of 1080 x 1080 pixels. Regardless of the size, the image will be scaled to fit the ticket. Keep in mind that the actual image file can be no larger than 1.5 MB.
Custom ticket image templates
Below you can find a number of templates that can help you to create your own ticket image in the right format. Simply load your image into the file, make sure that it fills the screen and export or save the file as a .jpg, .png or .pdf file.
Click on the following hyperlinks to download the templates for Adobe Photoshop, Powerpoint or Keynote.
Once you have your ticket image ready to go, there are three ways to upload your custom ticket images:
Per ticket type
Uploading a custom ticket image per ticket type
1. Click on ‘Manage’ in the menu on the left side of the ‘Dashboard’, choose ‘Events’, select the correct event and click on the blue ‘Edit event’ button.
2. Go to ‘Tickets’ by clicking on the icon of the ticket stub on the left, and click on 'More', where you can choose 'Upload custom ticket image'.
3. If there is a ticket image selected already, make sure to click on ‘Delete template’ first. Otherwise, click on ‘Choose files’ and select the file on your computer.
Once you've uploaded the file, a preview will render. If you're happy with the result, you're ready to sell your tickets!
Uploading an event-wide custom ticket image
1. Click on ‘Manage’ in the menu on the left side of the page, choose ‘Events’ and select the correct event.
2. Choose the event you would like, and click on the blue ‘Edit event' button.
3. Now you're in the 'Event settings', you can click on the 'More options' icon and toggle on the 'Custom ticket image' option. You can then upload your ticket image by clicking on the new ‘Upload custom event-wide ticket image’ button.
4. If there is a ticket image selected already, make sure to click on ‘Delete template’ first. Otherwise, click on ‘Choose files’ and select the file on your computer.
Uploading a company-wide custom ticket image
1. Click on 'Company settings' and then select 'Preferences' from the drop-down menu.
2. Click on the 'Upload custom company-wide ticket image' button.
3. If there is a ticket image selected already, make sure to click on ‘Delete template’ first. Otherwise, click on ‘Choose files’ and select the file on your computer.
If you have feedback or questions about these guides, please contact us at