How does the check-in monitor work?
Get busy with the check-in monitor and gain instant insight into the number of tickets being scanned at your event.
We have a check-in monitor that provides you with an overview of how many visitors have already arrived during your event and how many more you can expect. If you’re still selling tickets at the door, the check-in monitor will let you know how many more tickets can be sold before you reach your capacity, so that the maximum is never exceeded.
How does the check-in monitor work?
1. Go to your ‘Dashboard’, click on ‘Entrance Management’ and select ‘Check-in monitor’.
2. What you can see now is probably a little underwhelming, but have no fear, if you select your event in the ‘Select an event’ drop-down menu you’ll see all your up-to-date data.
3. Under the header ‘Tickets’ you’ll see an overview of the different tickets your visitors have purchased for your event - we have divided this table into 5 different columns.
Name: This denotes the different types of tickets you have made by the names you picked for them. If you haven’t learned how to create a ticket yet, have a peek at this guide.
Sold: This shows how many tickets of each type have been sold.
Checked-in: This is the number of visitors who have already had their tickets scanned at the entrance to your event.
Expected: This is the number of visitors who have purchased tickets but have not yet had them scanned at the entrance.
Ratio: this shows you the ratio between the tickets sold and the tickets that have been checked in.
4. Occasionally, while scanning a ticket, your screen might turn red in the Ticket Scanner app: this is probably because a ticket has already been scanned. You can check whether a ticket has been scanned or not by clicking on ‘Scan Actions’.
5. What you’ll see is an overview of all the scanned tickets. You can check the status of any ticket by copying the barcode into the search bar beside the ‘Barcode’ column - this will filter the list and show you whether this specific ticket has already been scanned and when. You can find the barcode underneath the QR-code on the ticket.
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