Can I change the language of my ticket shop?

The language of your ticket shop will automatically adapt to the language of the user's browser, making it more familiar and reliable.

Events often attract people from all over the globe and, due to language barriers, this can potentially lead to problems during the ordering process. To avoid this, we’ve designed our ticket shops to automatically detect the user’s language browser, which instils the user with a stronger sense of trust in the ordering process and leads to more conversions.

We currently support the following languages:

▶ English

▶ Dutch

▶ German

▶ French

▶ Spanish

▶ Catalan

▶ Italian

▶ Portuguese

▶ Chinese (Mandarin)

▶ Greek

▶ Turkish

If the user’s native language is missing or unidentified, the ticket shop will automatically present them with the English version of the ticket shop. Doing so ensures that you always provide a ticket shop that makes the customer feel safe.

Users can manually pick their preferred language by clicking on the ticket shop's flag in the top right corner. They can then select their preferred language from a dropdown menu. Sometimes certain elements don’t immediately change, to correct this, simply refresh your page.

Is your preferred language missing? Contact us via the chat in the bottom right of the screen or by sending an e-mail to New languages can easily be added to the ticket shop.