How do I use the Close app?
In this guide, you’ll read what the Close app is and how you can get access to it.
What is Close?
Close is an event assistant, which means that the app will keep purchased tickets safe and accessible. The app also has an in-app chat function. In the chat, you can receive the latest updates about the event, including exclusive behind-the-scenes content, as well as handy tips and general information. As a ticket holder, you may also be offered unique deals within the app.
What does this mean for you?
If you’ve purchased tickets for an event that uses Close, you’ll need to provide your phone number upon buying your ticket through Weeztix. Close will use this phone number to send you an access code and recognise the events you’ve purchased tickets for. They do this to ensure that they can provide you with accurate and practically useful information. Optionally, the Close app can show your ticket in-app; this replaces the confirmation e-mail you’d usually receive from Weeztix.
How do I get access to the Close app?
After receiving your access code and entering it, the app will direct you to the correct event in Close. If you’ve received a confirmation email, but it didn’t instruct you to download the Close app, you may have to wait for an SMS invitation before you can sign into the app. If a friend informed you about Close, ask them to invite you through the app. You must use the same telephone number when logging in to Close. This way, Close will be able to determine for which event you wish to use the app.
What if I entered the wrong phone number?
If you enter the wrong phone number upon buying the ticket through Weeztix, you can easily correct this by using our name change tool.
For any other questions, please take a look at Close’s FAQ.